Editorial Guidelines

EnhanceMyself.comAt EnhanceMyself.com, we’re dedicated to delivering you accurate and reliable information. We recognize the importance of having trustworthy details when considering various treatment options. Our editorial policy is designed to uphold high standards of accuracy, credibility, and content quality.


Our main focus is ensuring the accuracy of our content. Our writing team spends an extensive amount of time researching and fact-checking, keeping our information up-to-date based on recent studies and research publications.


To enhance the credibility of our content, we frequently work closely with experts and medical professionals in the respective fields such as plastic surgery, ophthalmology, dentistry, and bariatric surgery.


We believe in transparency about our sources and references. At the end of our treatment pages, you’ll find citations from reputable sources that were used in developing our content. Whenever there’s a potential for bias or conflicts of interest, we make every effort to provide this information transparently to our readers.

Content Review Process

Many articles on EnhanceMyself.com undergo a review process with experts and medical professionals to ensure the accuracy and completeness of our content.

Content Improvements

We recognize the importance of staying up-to-date with the latest developments for various treatment options. Our content is regularly updated to reflect the most current information and practices.

User Feedback

We value and encourage feedback from our users. If you ever have concerns about our content or come across inaccuracies, please don’t hesitate to contact us directly.

While we strive to offer the most accurate information, it’s vital for users to understand that all the content on EnhanceMyself.com is provided for educational purposes only and should not be considered an endorsement of any particular procedure, product, or treatment. Furthermore, this information is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment by a doctor or another qualified healthcare professional.

None of the information contained on this website should be taken as medical advice. Your best course of action for any medical concerns, including decisions about procedures, products, or treatments, is to consult with your doctor or another qualified healthcare professional.